Special Consideration of SummitPlan™ for Retirement Plan Participants
The time has come for change. Time to take back for yourself the best possible opportunity for accumulating assets in your retirement plan and opportunity for a dignified retirement.

You know you want to retire and live a lifestyle that is similar to the one you have today. That takes money and preparation. It also requires that you be given the very best opportunity to achieve that goal.

If you haven’t already made a plan for your retirement, it’s time for you to get help.

Other investment providers often claim to offer help, but it comes at a price of high costs or substandard investment performance.

SummitPlan™ is different ~ It is your first step for retirement preparation.


How does the SummitPlan™ investment approach help me?
Over the past several years, you may have read and heard about some brokerage firms, consulting firms and mutual fund companies placing their own business and profit interests ahead of their clients and fund investors. Unfortunately, there is a built in conflict in mutual funds – the fund companies running the funds want to maximize their profits when operating their business. Most mutual funds have built in high costs, hidden fees, and different motives than accumulating money for your retirement. The funds are often not aligned with your personal best interests and priorities in investing for retirement.

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SummitPlan™ customers access the highest quality investment management in the marketplace at a reasonable cost.
Low cost indexing investing and risk managed portfolios form the backbone of the SummitPlan™ investment menu. These portfolios are managed for both performance and risk. This, in combination with deep fiduciary processes, promotes the long-term interests of plan participants.

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Is there help for my employer?

In addition to your personal benefits of the investment services and structure, SummitPlan™ assists your employer in operating the retirement plan in your best interests and to highest standards of fiduciary care.
Built-in safeguards, processes and procedures are designed to protect the integrity of the plan. These serve to help your employer maintain an efficient retirement plan structure and work to ensure that the plan will continue to be there when you need it.

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Is there more help available?
Like many retirement plan participants, you may have come to the realization that you don’t know much about investing and may not have done a very good job of managing your own account over the years. You’re not alone. Many participants have reached this same conclusion and need help managing their retirement fund. Many want someone to 'do it for them' by investing in professionally managed investment portfolios. SummitPlan™ will help you but with some very important differences:
  • SummitPlan™ offers access to a series of professionally managed investment portfolios.
  • These managed portfolios don’t charge you large fees for management services.
  • Portfolios are managed by professionals with extensive experience with pension investments, not “retail” investments.

The objective is to maximize investment returns within a controlled level of investment risk. You are still in control of your plan and you still make the decision to save for retirement.

Regarding investments, you have one decision to make – 'How much risk do I want to take?' Once that decision is made, you simply select the risk portfolio that suits you best. All investment management work is done for you, and you can devote your time to other things without worrying whether or not your retirement funds are working hard for you.

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Are these investments new?
No. The portfolio options in SummitPlan™ are well established and have been serving the needs of pension plans and their participants as far back as 1981. Their strategies are also backed by extensive academic research.

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SummitPlan™ now gives you a new opportunity for retirement accumulation and retirement dignity. With SummitPlan™, the days of high investment costs, hidden investment fees and investment managers/firms putting their own business interests ahead of your own interests for a comfortable retirement are over.

Ask your company management (Human Resources Department or Finance Department) when you and your co-workers could start to enjoy the advantages of SummitPlan™.

It’s time.

For additional information on investment-related issues, please refer to other Question & Answers sections of our web site, or contact Denali Fiduciary Management.

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